Table of contents
  1. Background
  2. Configuring Controllers
  3. Running Controllers via Docker (Recommended)
  4. Running Controllers on the Host


Lets review ROS 2 control to understand the core concepts behind how the library manages controllers.

Please consult the official ROS 2 control documentation for further information.

Configuring Controllers

There are two files we care to configure to control which controllers we launch as part of our application:

  1. The launch file which launches the controller manager and controllers.
  2. ROS 2 controller configuration files which control the configuration of controllers (e.g. the controller update frequency).

Running Controllers via Docker (Recommended)

A built docker container is shipped as part of this repository, feel free to pull the latest version of the container with:

docker pull

Once you have pulled the built container you can run the container via the docker compose script present under .docker/control from the root directory of the repository.

docker compose -f up

You can expect to see output similar to the following:

Running Controllers on the Host